Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Eunuch Coaching & Jedi Mind-tricks

Is there no end to Sophie Robertson's knowledge, check this page - she knows everything. She is the latest in a string of self-appointed experts teaching Jedi Mindtricks to use on the internal recruitment weaklings....yesterday's article on Recruiter Daily includes the below:

ask whether the freeze pertains to permanent or temporary staff, remember to ask about maternity leave, long-service or any other type of prolonged absence, ask how they plan to cope with the increased workload, ask how much money they expect to save, do an analysis, break all costs down, such as ad costs, man hours, phone calls, email time, testing time, cost of testing, interview time, time to negotiate offer, and lack of guarantee. Remind them that if a placement doesn't start or falls off, they have to start again, candidates who come second do not want the job, so the cost just doubles.

Well, I can't wait for this Mac Truck full of questions to trundle down the phone at me.....what do you think internal recruiters actually do Sophie?

The above is most likely to create frustrating and meaningless conversations with inexperienced 457 visa holders who do not wish to return to Lambeth.
And I'm not the only one, in his commendable blog on the poor practices prevailant in the recruitment industry, Toby Marshall highlights Sophie's advice on reverse-marketing candidates......basically say anything required to land a deal.
C'mon Sophie, you shouldn't stick that stuff on record - it is why the industry is viewed so poorly.
Take the rest of the day off and buy a nice frock, here is a self-appointed expert who writes articles on RecruiterDaily who could help you.

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